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Dermal Fillers

Can I keep my makeup on?

Your skin should be clean for treatment so we can properly assess your skin and determine where to make injections. If you wear makeup to your appointment, we’ll remove it before your service. Post treatment, we advise to not wear makeup or touch your face for at least 6 hours.

What must I absolutely avoid after my treatment?

Avoid exercise/working out, alcohol consumption and sauna/steam rooms for 24 hours; no facials for 2 weeks.

In both cases, the thread lifting procedure is not associated with significant pain or discomfort. After the preparation of the correction zone, the patient undergoes local anesthesia with an anesthetic solution, which takes action after a few minutes.

All that can be felt during the procedure is the insertion of the cannula but without any pain.

The procedure leaves no permanent scars and does not require a long recover time.

How quickly will I see results?

Results from this treatment are instant but final results will be visible around 2 weeks after treatment. There may be some slight swelling for a few days post treatment, but this will subside over time. Slight bruising and redness can occur and will subside shortly after.

In both cases, the thread lifting procedure is not associated with significant pain or discomfort. After the preparation of the correction zone, the patient undergoes local anesthesia with an anesthetic solution, which takes action after a few minutes.

All that can be felt during the procedure is the insertion of the cannula but without any pain.

The procedure leaves no permanent scars and does not require a long recover time.

How long do the results last?

Everyone’s different, but typically results last anywhere from 10-18 months. It really depends on the filler we use and your aesthetic goals.

What is the downtime? Can I go back to work?

One of the things that makes dermal fillers so great is there’s little downtime. There’s no reason you can’t go back to work afterwards, although keep in mind that you may experience some redness, swelling or bruising.

Face slimming Treatment

What does masseter botulinum toxin do?

Injections of botulinum toxin into the masseter muscle will work to slim and contour the jawline. Botulinum toxin is a neurotoxin which relaxes the masseter muscles. Over time, with continued injections, the muscles will shrink from disuse. Patients who receive the treatment will start to see the effects of in four to six weeks following the procedure, but it can take more than one single treatment to reduce the size of the masseter muscle.

Are there any side effects for botulinum toxin in the masseter muscle?

There are generally few side effects for botulinum toxin for non-surgical jaw reduction. Improper injection in this area can cause facial asymmetry. Besides facial asymmetry, injecting botulinum toxin incorrectly into this area can cause bulging of part of the muscle when you clench your jaw, although these side effects are not permanent. In addition, special care must be used in balancing the correct amount of product used on each side, to correct for any disparities between the size of the right and left masseter muscle.


Where can this be used?

HArmonyCa is specifically used for the middle and lower face only such as the cheeks, jawline and jowl area.

How many treatments do I need?

HArmonyCa is injected into each side of the face in one season. The results should last for around 18-24 months before you need treatment again.

What should I expect after my treatment?

The volume you see immediately after your treatment will stay the same, however you will start to see noticeable results after two weeks and over the next 18-24 months you will see gradual, continual improvement in the appearance of your skin due to the stimulation of new collagen regrowth.

Calf Reduction Treatment

Are you the right candidate?

Yes, it is appropriate for most people who are not satisfied with the size of their calves. It is also important that you must be healthy with no serious illnesses. During the initial consultation, our doctor will ask you about your medical history and will conduct some basic assessments to ensure that you are a good candidate for calf reduction using botulinum toxin.

How does botulinum toxin reduce the size of calves?

When injected into calf muscles, botulinum toxin  induces muscle atrophy. Thus reducing the volume of the calf muscle over time.

Is botulinum toxin calf reduction painful?

There can be slight pain and discomfort in the treated area.

Is there downtime?

There is no downtime, once the procedure is finished, you can resume your regular activities. You might have some bruising and redness at the site of injection.

Mesotherapy and Skinboosters

Is mesotherapy safe?

While tests have shown that the injections are quite safe and rarely have any negative reaction occurred within a patient, it is still highly recommended that you consult your doctor before signing up for a treatment.

How do skin boosters work?

Skin boosters rely on the hydrophilic nature of hyaluronic acid in order to improve and nourish a variety of different treatment areas on the face. Hyaluronic acid is a unique, naturally occurring substance in the body that can both attract and support 1000 times its own weight in water. When that powerful hydration is boosted underneath the skin’s surface, it can offer hydration and collagen production that is the foundation for healthy, glowing skin.

Is there any downtime involved?

There is some swelling from the product immediately after the treatment. It goes down in the next 24-48 hours or earlier as the product incorporates into the skin. Mild bruising may be a possibility that can be covered with concealing cosmetics.

Can I wash my face after skin boosters treatment?

As skin boosters are injected directly into the dermis, rejuvenation occurs below the skin surface. This means that patients can resume normal activity immediately after treatment. However, in order to ensure a smooth result, we recommend that patients wait to touch or cleanse the face for at least four hours post-treatment. On the day of treatment, it’s also best to avoid makeup, strenuous exercise, intense heat or sun exposure, as well as pressure on the treatment areas.

Shoulder Reduction Treatment

How many sessions are required?

The benefits of the treatments often wear off after about six months, so you might need a top-up injection now and then.

Is botulinum toxin shoulder Reduction Painful?

There can be slight pain and discomfort in the treated area at the time of treatment.

What are the side effects of treatment?

There are no serious and permanent side effects of the treatment when performed correctly. There may be some bruising and redness at the site of injection.

Mesotherapy and Skin Boosters

Is mesotherapy safe?

While tests have shown that the injections are quite safe and rarely have any negative reaction occurred within a patient, it is still highly recommended that you consult your doctor before signing up for a treatment.

How do skin boosters work?

Skin boosters rely on the hydrophilic nature of hyaluronic acid in order to improve and nourish a variety of different treatment areas on the face. Hyaluronic acid is a unique, naturally occurring substance in the body that can both attract and support 1000 times its own weight in water. When that powerful hydration is boosted underneath the skin’s surface, it can offer hydration and collagen production that is the foundation for healthy, glowing skin.

Is there any downtime involved?

There is some swelling from the product immediately after the treatment. It goes down in the next 24-48 hours or earlier as the product incorporates into the skin. Mild bruising may be a possibility that can be covered with concealing cosmetics.

Can I wash my face after skin boosters treatment?

As skin boosters are injected directly into the dermis, rejuvenation occurs below the skin surface. This means that patients can resume normal activity immediately after treatment. However, in order to ensure a smooth result, we recommend that patients wait to touch or cleanse the face for at least four hours post-treatment. On the day of treatment, it’s also best to avoid makeup, strenuous exercise, intense heat or sun exposure, as well as pressure on the treatment areas.

PRP Skin Rejuvenation

How much down time can I expect from a PRP skin treatment?

Recovery from PRP injections is immediate and most patients continue on with their day after the treatment. Patients may experience redness or pinprick bleeding at the injections.

What are the benefits of a PRP skin treatment?

By activating the PRP and growth factors you can experience:

  • Smoother fine lines, wrinkles and folds
  • Enhanced, more even skin tone
  • Increased hydration
  • Healthy glowing skin
  • Increased collagen production

What can I expect?

After the blood is drawn and processed to separate the platelet rich plasma (PRP), the PRP is then injected back into the targeted areas using a small needle. The process takes less than 46 minutes and involves very little discomfort.

Is a PRP skin treatment safe?

The PRP Skin is very safe. Because we are using the PRP derived from your own blood there is no risk of allergic reaction. You may experience some bruising, redness and swelling which will subside the same day or in the next couple of days.


Regenera Activa

Any pre-treatment information that I need to know?

  • Avoid caffeine for 24 hrs prior.
  • Stop using hair sprays for 7 days prior.
  • Shower hair before the treatment.

What is the downtime for this treatment?

There is almost no downtime for this treatment, though there will be a medical bandage over the puncture sites on the scalp, other than that you are free to get back to your daily routine.

How does the treatment work?

Three samples of healthy hair including the roots are extracted under local anaesthetic and disaggregated with saline in the Regenera Activa device. The resulting solution is injected into areas of hair loss and or hair thinning.

The highly concentrated stem cells derived from the healthy hair bearing part of your scalp helps stimulates the growth of new hair follicles and rejuvenate existing follicles.

As a result, the hair roots have an improved supply of nutrients and minerals. The wounds caused by the removal of the samples are not stitched, as they normally heal by themselves. In addition, there is no downtime; even washing your hair is possible again just one day after the treatment.

Is this treatment painful?

The treatment itself is relatively painless. Only the application of the local anaesthetic might be a bit painful. The suspension itself is injected into the scalp with microneedles.

How long does it take to see the results?

Results will start to be noticed after 6-8 weeks. But the final results will be noticed after 4-6 months. The Regenera Activa treatment lasts for about one to two years. We recommend repeating treatments once a year for maintencance. There are no side effects.

Who is the ideal candidate for Regenera Activa?

As mentioned above, Regenera Activa therapy makes sense if the hereditary hair loss is mild to moderate.

To determine whether one is suitable for this treatment, PICO Clinics offers a free consultation with a professional Aesthetic Medicine Doctor.

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