This treatment is only available at London and Milan clinic
mild to moderate
35-45 mins/cycle
1-3 m
“PICO Clinics provides a top of the range CoolSculpting experience. Our doctors are experienced aesthetic medical practitioners who are fully General Medical Council (GMC)-registered. We will handle every step on your CoolSculpting journey.”
What is CoolSculpting?
CoolSculpting, also known as ‘cryolipolysis’, is a non-surgical procedure that targets pockets of excess fat. The technique uses controlled cooling to assist the body in removing fat cells from the body.
CoolSculpting is effective in removing stubborn areas of fat that have been resistant to lifestyle steps such as taking more exercise and dietary changes. Working to destroy fat cells via a freezing process, CoolSculpting can reshape the body, encouraging a more lean profile.
Losing pockets of fat can become harder with age, despite maintaining a strict exercise programme and diet. This is because of changes to the body’s metabolism as we get older. CoolSculpting can be an effective natural treatment, offering a non-invasive way of removing resistant fat cells without any injections or surgery.
How does
CoolSculpting work?
During the CoolSculpting procedure, your practitioner will vacuum the area of skin above the fatty tissue with an applicator, cooling the targeted fat cells. You are likely to feel a cooling sensation as the cold temperature numbs the area. The skin and surrounding tissues will not be harmed.
A CoolSculpting treatment session usually lasts between one and three hours, after which the body will naturally process and remove the fat cells. You might feel a little pinching and pulling during the procedure, but this is not painful.
Massage can be given to the treated area following the procedure in order to break up frozen tissue. Occasionally people notice some minor soreness at the treatment site, but as there is no damage to the tissue or skin, no recovery time is necessary.
Benefits of
Minimally invasive and one of the most popular non-surgical methods of removing fat
CoolSculpting is having been used around the world since 2012, CoolSculpting is a patented technique that has been performed over eight million times, is considered safe by medical experts, and is backed by clinical research. CoolSculpting’s high customer satisfaction can also be attributed to its versatility.
targeting stubborn pockets of fat around the body
CoolSculpting treatment can be tailored to suit each person, with the time spent treating each area being determined by individual needs. Commonly targeted areas include:
Upper body:
- chin
- back
- bra area
- upper arms
Abdominal area:
- waistline
- belly fat
Lower body:
- inner thigh
- s outer thighs
- under the buttocks
- saddlebags
FAQ ABOUT CoolSculpting
No, CoolSculpting is not a weight-loss treatment. traditional weight loss treatments only shrink fat cells, leaving them capable of re-expanding if weight is gained. CoolSculpting entirely eliminates the fat cells, leaving it unable to re-expand or re-grow in the future.
No, CoolSculpting does not treat obesity. Instead, it is a fat reduction treatment for healthy, active adults who have tried diet and exercise to reduce body fat unsuccessfully.
CoolSculpting is the most effective non-invasive way to tackle hard-to-lose- belly fat. people love fat freezing because it provides a virtually painless, non-surgical way to treat unwanted belly fat. Treatments effectively freeze and eliminate fat cells in the lower stomach.
As the cooling begins during the first few minutes, you will feel pressure and intense cold. This soon dissipates. Many people read, watch videos, work on their laptop, or even take a nap during their treatment.
The CoolSculpting procedure is FDA-cleared for the flank (love handles), abdomen, and thigh. With over one million CoolSculpting treatments performed worldwide, it is proven to be a safe and effective treatment for non-surgical body contouring.
During the procedure you may experience deep pulling, tugging, pinching, numbness or discomfort. Following the procedure, typical side effects include temporary numbness, redness, swelling, bruising, firmness, tingling, stinging and pain. Rare side effects may also occur. The CoolSculpting procedure is not for everyone. You should not have the CoolSculpting procedure if you suffer from cryoglobulinemia or paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria. As with any medical procedure, our trained doctors will assess you to see if the CoolSculpting procedure is right for you.
Yes, you can. The CoolSculpting procedure is completely non-surgical, so typically you can return to normal activities immediately. Often times, patients return to work after their CoolSculpting session is over.
You may start to see changes as quickly as three weeks after your treatment, and will experience the most dramatic results at the 2-3 month mark.. But your body will still flush out fat cells and continues doing so for up to four to six months after treatment.